Dropping In, Watercolor on Paper, 10" x 7", 1988
Dropping In, Watercolor on Paper, 10" x 7", 1988
Dropping In, Digital Art, 2019
Dropping In, Digital Art, 2019
Dropping In, Ball-point Pen on an index card, 1978
Dropping In, Ball-point Pen on an index card, 1978
Dropping In, Pen and Ink on paper, 1978
Dropping In, Pen and Ink on paper, 1978
Dropping In, Adobe Illustrator Artboard, 2019
Dropping In, Adobe Illustrator Artboard, 2019
Top Left: Dropping In, Watercolor on Paper, 10" x 7", 1988
Top Right: Dropping In, Digital Art, 2019
Bottom Left: Dropping In, Ball-point Pen on an index card, 1978
Bottom Center: Dropping In, Pen and Ink on paper, 1978
Bottom Right: Dropping In versions, Adobe Illustrator Arrboard, 2019

In 2019, I was mainly creating digital art with Adobe Draw for iPad, which was very limited in terms of what one could do with a vector drawing.  You can see a difference between this piece and those I have created with Adobe Illustrator for iPad and desktop Illustrator.  Eventually I will redo this one as a vector drawing to get the sharper, more precise lines and scalable drawings that I can reuse, recolor or rearrange.
Stream, Linoleum Print, Version 1, 1978
Stream, Linoleum Print, Version 1, 1978
Stream, Linoleum Print, Version 2, 1978
Stream, Linoleum Print, Version 2, 1978
Stream, Linoleum Print, Version 3, 1978
Stream, Linoleum Print, Version 3, 1978
Stream, Linoleum Print, three versions, 1978
Stream, Digital Art in process, Adobe Illustrator Artboard, 2023
To digitize Stream, I started out with the Pen tool in Illustrator, drawing the streams of color and then the objects.  Next,  I "cut" into the solid color block by applying the Pathfinder "minus front" tool.  The above shows the cut stamp moved apart from the background so you can see how moving the stamp will change the color background. I can change either the color of the stamp or the colors of the background without one affecting the other.  This is the magic of working with digital "layers."
Joanne Goes to the LOON Dance, Pen on Paper, 1978
Joanne Goes to the LOON Dance, Pen on Paper, 1978
Joanne Goes to have her Hair Done, Page One, Pen on Paper, 1978
Joanne Goes to have her Hair Done, Page One, Pen on Paper, 1978
Joanne Goes to have her Hair Done, Page Two, Pen on Paper, 1978
Joanne Goes to have her Hair Done, Page Two, Pen on Paper, 1978
Left:  Joanne Goes to the LOON (Lesbians of Ottawa Now) Dance, Pen and Ink - 1978
Center and Right:  Joanne Goes to Have Her Hair Done, Pen and Ink, 1978

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