Munkewicz Fish, Watercolor Painting, 3" x 5", 1996
Munkewicz Fish, Watercolor Painting, 3" x 5", 1996
Munkewicz Fish, Digital Art, 2014
Munkewicz Fish, Digital Art, 2014
Munkewicz Fish, Spray Pool Murals, Munkewicz Recreation Center, 1996
Munkewicz Fish, Spray Pool Murals, Munkewicz Recreation Center, 1996
Left: Munkewicz Fish, Watercolor Painting, 3" x 5", 1996
Center: Munkewicz Fish, Digital Art, 2014
Right: Munkewicz Fish, Spray Pool Murals, 1996
Wheat, Watercolor on Paper, 10" x 7", 1996
Wheat, Watercolor on Paper, 10" x 7", 1996
Wheat, Digital Art, 2021
Wheat, Digital Art, 2021
Left: Wheat, Watercolor on Paper, 10" x 7", 1996
Right: Wheat, Digital Art, 2021
Wheat, Magic Marker on Vellum, 1985
Wheat, Magic Marker on Vellum, 1985
Wheat, Digital Art, 2021
Wheat, Digital Art, 2021
Wheat, Ballpoint Pen Drawing, 1985
Wheat, Ballpoint Pen Drawing, 1985
Left: Wheat, magic marker on vellum, 1985
Center:  Wheat, Digital Art, 2021
Right:  Wheat, Ballpoint Pen Drawing, 1985
Sparkles, Fabric, Beads and Buttons, 1996
Sparkles, Fabric, Beads and Buttons, 1996
Sparkles, Fabric, Beads and Buttons, 1996
The silk taffeta remnants were given to me by an artist friend after she saw the other fabric pieces I was working on.  I bought the pink flower buttons at the McMichael Park Flea Market in East Falls in 1996.  My sister gave me the gray beads and silver roses for Christmas.
Twinkle, Fabric, Buttons and Beads, 1996
A friend gave me the slipper satin fabric remnants; my sister gave me the seed beads for Christmas; I bought the buttons at a flea market.
Diamond Nets, Fabric, Beads, Plastic Netting, 1996
Diamond Nets, Fabric, Beads, Plastic Netting, 1996
Diamond Nets, Fabric, Beads, Plastic Netting, 1996
Blue cotton fabric that I saved from a shirt of mine that had worn out.  Handsewn with beads and netting.  The red netting is from a bag of onions.  The yellow netting I kept since a child, from my mother's fabric stash.
Metal Portals, Fabric and Metal Found Objects, 1996
Metal Portals, Fabric and Metal Found Objects, 1996
Metal Portals, Digital Art, 2025
Metal Portals, Digital Art, 2025
Left: Metal Portals, Fabric and Metal Found Objects, 1996
Right:  Metal Portals, Digital Art, 2025

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