2020 Digital Version # 2001-04-15-a6-a

2020 Radials and Grids # 2001-04-15-a6

2020 Digital Version # 2001-04-15-a6-c
2001-04-15-a6, Digital Art, 2022
The original doodle from April 15, 2001 (center image, top left) scanned into Illustrator for iPad, traced (top left), with colors and gradients added and the radial and grid tools revealing some possibilities.

Free, Sticker Art CD Cover, 2001
Free, Sticker Art CD Cover, 2001

Y2K Mummer, Digital Photo, Philadelphia Mummers Parade, Market Street, 2001
Y2K Mummer, Digital Photo, Philadelphia Mummers Parade, Market Street, 2001